Turkey Metal, Steel, Ammunition, Machinery, Metal Products Goods and Auto Assembly and Deputy Workers' Union
Turk Metal, on 10 July 1963 was founded with the name "Turkey Metal Workers Federation". After hitting his mark on Turkish trade unionism in the structural meaning of National Type Unionism in Turkey, held on 16-17 November 1973 6. During the General Assembly of Turkey he was recently given the legal personality of the Metal Workers Federation, and the name was changed to the Turkish Metal Union.
Turkish Metal Workers Union, with a positive approach in industrial relations, Turkey had an important share in the industry in the coming today. In the days of the organization's contribution to this understanding of the business environment of trust given number of members from 15 thousand in Turkey despite the decline in the number of union members it has exceeded 200 thousand.
Türk Metal summarizes the union perspective with the understanding of ‘We want to produce, win-win. Türk Metal pursuits its activities as an authorized union in many important workplaces in automotive, white goods, electronics, iron and steel and sub-industries.
One of the objectives of Türk Metal is "the integration of all metal workers under the roof of Türk Metal”. Turkish Metal Union removing the last 10 years the number of members to 206 thousand from 81 thousand in Turkey has become the locomotive of trade unionism.
Türk Metal has always been a big and powerful union that has always pioneered in business life. At the beginning of 2000, employers 'associations, Turkey Metal Industrialists' Union (MESS) was launched in conjunction with the Joint Education Project is ongoing and it is the best example. employers and trade unions with a labor union for the first time in Turkey, have come together for the training of workers and launched a comprehensive project to life. Within the scope of this giant training project, it is a union that has provided training to 130,000 workers with its members.
Türk Metal is a union that can offer its members social opportunities at all times within the framework of social unionism. It provides university preparatory, foreign language courses to its member children, and also provides scholarships to thousands of member children studying at universities. Every year, it organizes congresses on 8 March, Women Workers' Day, provides funeral and ambulance cars in the regions where it has branches, organizes Children's Congresses, and organizes Family Councils of 2500 members and their spouses and children. 5 star hotels available to members. Apart from its hotels such as Anadolu Hotels Esenboga Thermal, Buyuk Anadolu Didim Resort Hotel, Eregli Buyuk Anadolu Hotel, Girne Buyuk Anadolu Hotel, Anadolu Hotels Down Town Ankara, there are social facilities and workers' houses in cities such as Istanbul, Eskisehir, Izmir and Ankara.
Türk Metal founded Metal Children's Friends Club in order to provide a better education and future opportunity for the children of its members. With “The Workers Childrens World Tour Project” initiated, Türk Metal became the union that first introduced workers' children to other countries of the world. With its activities and “firsts that it has brought to working life, Turkish Metalworkers Union has also set an example for other unions and has enabled them to review their trade union understanding and structures.
Reconciliation and dialogue in collective bargaining agreements concluded with the success and achievements of the pro-Turkish attitude Metals, today within unions affiliated to the Confederation of Labor Unions of Turkey, and within unions affiliated to other confederations are defined as the most powerful and largest trade union.
Türk Metal is also the founding trade union of the International Eurasian Metal Workers’ Federation with more than 20 million members in 21 countries. It is also the founding trade union of the Euro-Mediterranean Permanent Conference, which includes the European and Balkan countries.
Celebrating its 55th anniversary in 2018, Pevrul Kavlak has been the Chairman of Türk Metal since April 2009.